Improve the use of pulse oximetry in your health facility!
We’ve created a simple process to help you build your own pulse oximetry infographic. You can choose from preset information tiles each addressing different areas of best practice so you can prioritize issues most relevant in your setting. Follow the steps below and in seconds you will have a custom infographic to download and share. (Individual images can be downloaded here). This tool is currently in beta testing.
Choose a title that reflects your infographic’s message. Examples: 'Best Practices for Pulse Oximetry' or 'Avoiding Pulse Oximetry Errors.'
Choose the color for the title of document and tile header background color.
Select background
Choose a background image
Step 2/6
Enter a heading and select content for the top rightbox of the infographic above.
Create a heading that match the content box you choose below.
Select box
Choose a box that aligns with the heading and message you want to highlight. Ensure the box you pick complements your infographic's overall focus.
Step 3/6
Enter a heading and select content for the bottom left box of the infographic above.
Create a heading that match the content box you choose below.
Select box
Choose a box that aligns with the heading and message you want to highlight. Ensure the box you pick complements your infographic's overall focus.
Step 4/6
Enter a heading and select content for the bottom center box of the infographic above.
Create a heading that match the content box you choose below.
Select box
Choose a box that aligns with the heading and message you want to highlight. Ensure the box you pick complements your infographic's overall focus.
Step 5/6
Enter a heading and select content for the bottom right box of the infographic above.
Create a heading that match the content box you choose below.
Select box
Choose a box that aligns with the heading and message you want to highlight. Ensure the box you pick complements your infographic's overall focus.
Step 6/6
Upload up to three logos to represent your institution, organization, or audience. Ensure the logos are clear. Accepted formats: .jpg and .png (260px x 70px).
Upload Your Logo Here(260px x 70px .jpg .png)
Upload up to three logos to represent your institution, organization, or audience. Ensure the logos are clear. Accepted formats: .jpg and .png (260px x 70px).
Upload Your Logo Here(260px x 70px .jpg .png)
Upload up to three logos to represent your institution, organization, or audience. Ensure the logos are clear. Accepted formats: .jpg and .png (260px x 70px).
To meet 2017 ISO standards (80601-2-61) or 2013 FDA guideline adherence for clinical use, pulse oximeter performance must be tested in healthy humans in a laboratory setting. Independent device testing for the Open Oximetry Project follows our protocol consistent with ISO and FDA. Only devices labeled as ‘verified’ or ‘failed’ have been independently tested by the Open Oximetry Project.
All other devices listed show data from manufacturers or published literature and have not been confirmed by the Open Oximetry team. Scoring criteria will be modified based on evolving data on this topic. See the table below for scoring criteria for this category:
Root mean square error (Arms) composite all skin colors & all perfusions tested 2022 FDA/ISO
(manufacturer* or independent testing)
Skin color
No Data
No Data
1 (red)
2 (red)
AND/OR Data suggesting Arms for dark skin color of >4%
AND/OR Data suggesting Arms for PI<1 in dark or light skin color of >4%
3 (yellow)
AND/OR Data suggesting Arms for dark skin color of 3-4%
AND/OR Data suggesting Arms for PI<1 in dark or light skin color of 3-4%
4 (green)
AND No data for or against performance problems in darker skin colors
AND No data for or against performance problems in low perfusion
5 (green)
AND Extended testing beyond ISO/FDA recommendations Criteria TBD April 2023
AND Extended testing beyond ISO/FDA recommendations Criteria TBD April 2023
* only independently tested devices by OpenOximetry (Hypoxia Lab and Clinimark Lab) get labeled as ‘verified’